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LED Lighting, Global Warming, and Brand Loyalty

LED Lighting such as High quality LED Strip Lights and Outdoor LED Rope Lights are not a new technology, and the implementation of LED Lighting has shown to be both viable, and effective for a realm of different situations both on large and small scales. Whether it is a project as small as outfitting a new retail unit, or something as large as lighting a bridge, tower, or other landmark – LED Lighting is undoubtedly superior to traditional CFL or Halogen solutions.

As such, LED Lighting has started very much to move to the mainstream. Governments and councils in the UK and beyond that have started implementing LED Lighting into a host of different and varied projects in both indoor and outdoor scenarios. Overall, LED Lighting very much looks to be the way forward in a lot of things, and also as an active and proper way of tackling a world of environmental issues, while being cost-effective.

Whether you look at the lighting which was used for lighting an entire events stadium in Australia, the LED Lighting which forms the basis of the street lighting in the UK, or even smaller projects such as the recent shop with LED Lighting, the advantages of LED Lighting are not to be snubbed or poo pooed. Of course, there’s the obvious. LED Lighting’s harm to the environment is something so slight, it isn’t even a patch on the damage that CFL and Halogen based lighting’s c02 emissions have been doing to the planet for the last hundred or so years.

Whether you’re a council or a retailer, you have an audience, and in the age of the internet absolutely every single consumer is keenly aware of just what your business practises do to add to the larger picture. Furthermore, your consumer is generally much more educated about global warming and generally savvy over companies’ contributions (even yours!) to the problem.

Making savvy energy decisions which better the situation can very well encourage brand loyalty. Whereas some businesses shrink from the added responsibility that comes with the freedom of information that is part and parcel of the digital age, have your business embrace it, and win some new customers with your proactivity.  



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LED Illuminations are a major global distributor of high quality LED products, including LED Rope Lights and LED Strips. Customer-focused and knowledgable in all aspects of LED Lighting, LED Illuminations can confidently give you the best advice on the LED Lighting product which is right for your project.