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What Exactly is SSL Lighting?


Solid State LED Lighting (Or abbreviated by most as SSL) is a type of lighting which utilises semiconductor LEDs, OLEDs, as well as PLEDs as sources of illumination, rather than the older way of heating a component until it grows and illuminates. The reason why this type of lighting is called solid state is that the conditions needed for an LED Light to function are there all of the time – there’s no heating or change of state between off and on – only the introduction of electricity.  

Basic advantages of LED Light are very well documented. Whether it is the fact that LED Rope Lights and LED Strip Lights are ideal for use in devices that require frequent off and on cycling as they simply don’t burn out, the fact that they can very quickly be dimmed or strobed, or that they achieve full lightness in nanoseconds has ensured that LED Lighting is a very popular choice with a large amount of businesses and consumers simply for the fact that they’re just better than the older halogen or CFL bulbs.

What older halogen and CFL bulbs were has been made so very much better by LED Lighting – to even consider sticking with older, antiquated systems is the equivalent of using a typewriter when computers are available. It’s unnecessarily complicated, expensive, and bothersome to run them, when LED Lighting is simply better.

LED Technology has made these relics absolutely obsolete, without even getting into the variety of things that can be done with LED lighting that’s quite simply impossible with older variants of lighting. For instance, consider an office environment. Most would feel that office lighting is switched on, and left on for a reasonably long amount of time.

At the very least, you’re talking around 9-10 hours of the same lighting being on, slowly burning away. What happens should office workers leave for the day and forget to switch the lights off? Most likely a broken bulb in the morning that’ll need replacing, or a bulb that’s had a large part of its working life wiped out. Either way, you’re looking at quite a large electricity bill for the mistake.

SSL Lighting can be configured and adapted to every environment it is placed in. In our office situation, occupancy detectors can be fitted easily, which will ensure that the lights turn themselves off if required.

There are a number of additional features with SSL which simply isn’t possible with older lighting methods, and you’re literally only ever limited by your imagination. You’re also empowered further by the fact that control is easy. Light can be programmed to react to any event and control can be managed via web browser, app, or programs designed to optimise quality of life and cost effectiveness.

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LED Illuminations are a major global distributor of high quality LED products, including LED Rope Lights and LED Strips. Customer-focused and knowledgable in all aspects of LED Lighting, LED Illuminations can confidently give you the best advice on the LED Lighting product which is right for your project.